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The Straight Boyfriend (Loving You Book 3)
Renae Kaye
Portrait of a Kiss (Southern Beaus #1)
T. D. McKinney, Terry Wylis
Delivered Fast
Annabeth Albert
Where We Left Off
Roan Parrish
Absinthe of Malice
Rhys Ford
Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy
Robin Wasserman, Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson
Shifting Gears
Riley Hart
Tracefinder: Contact
Kaje Harper
The Red Sun Rises
Victoria Kinnaird
No! Jocks Don't Date Guys
Wade Kelly


Imaginary - Jamie Sullivan First of all that cover is freakin' adorable :)
Imaginary is a cute lil book about two lonely boys finding each other. Aaron is an unloved little foster kid with no friends and then one day he meets James an even lonelier little five year old, lonelier because Aaron is the only one who can see him despite this they become the best of friends. Because he fears other people's reactions he hides the fact that he still talks to his 'imaginary' friend, James even as he grows up. Though he makes 'real' friends James is always Aaron's best friend through new discoveries and new feelings. It's kinda sad to see two little boys so sad Aaron not being loved by his foster parents and poor James having only one person that sees him and that person not believing he actually exists at least James knows he's real. This book reminded me of [b:The Ghost on My Couch|10664518|The Ghost on My Couch|L.A. Gilbert|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348813290s/10664518.jpg|15573904] another favorite of mine in how it ended. A cute book that I would definitely recommend.